About The National Day of Reason

Because Reason Works.png

May 4, 2024

Now, more than ever, America needs a Day of Reason.

With Christian nationalist influence in Congress, and with the threat to our judiciary looming large, it has never been so important to affirm our commitment to the constitutional wall of separation between religion and government, and to celebrate reason as the guiding principle of our secular democracy.

During the past year we have witnessed the intrusion of religious ideology into all spheres of our government, with assaults on the wall separating church and state that include the following:

  • Faith-based initiatives in federal agencies that give preferential treatment to religious organizations which proselytize and employ discriminatory hiring practices;

  • Restrictions on important scientific research on the basis of religious objections;

  • Attempts to introduce biblical creationism and its alter-ego “Intelligent Design” into our public school science curricula;

  • The appointment of judges who willingly place their religious beliefs above our laws;

  • Battles over the display of the Ten Commandments and other overtly religious icons in schools and on courthouses;

  • Religiously motivated restrictions on access to reproductive services and information; and

  • The push to place chaplains in public schools.

  • Increased attacks on access to abortion, IVF, and other reproductive healthcare across the states

  • Ramped up repression of the rights LGBTQIA+ people, particularly trans* youth, and their families

As in previous years, this year’s National Day of Reason occurs in close proximity with the congressionally mandated and federally supported National Day of Prayer. We thank all who value the separation of religion and government & join us in commemorating this year’s Day of Reason, and in building awareness for this important cause.

What can you do to demonstrate your support for a Day of Reason?

  • Plan a special event to commemorate the NDoR, such as a teach-in, special lecture, or social gathering;

  • Host a Lobby Day at your state capitol;

  • Work to have a Day of Reason proclaimed by your state or local government;

  • Hold a press conference for your local media to promote respect for the separation of religion and government, and to draw attention to the many breaches of that principle during recent months;

  • Organize a letter-writing campaign urging your elected officials to support the separation of religion and government;

  • Write op eds or letters to the editor to spread awareness;

  • Visit the National Day of Reason website to view planned events and read media coverage from previous years.

We invite individuals and organizations to submit information about their plans to commemorate the National Day of Reason and their efforts to educate the public about the important underlying issues. Those conducting events, activism or outreach in their communities will be featured on this site so that activists can readily identify opportunities to organize and participate in local events.

There is great potential this year to give voice to our shared concerns about the serious threats to the wall separating church and state. We hope that you will visit our site, and we look forward to hearing about your plans to observe the National Day of Reason.